The Mindful Journey
a safer psychedelic home use primer

Learn how to minimize your risks while maximizing the benefits of a psychedelic experience at home.


Learn to plan for safer and more effective journeys by optimizing your environment and mindset.


Find out what to expect from psychedelic experiences and how to navigate challenges at all stages of your journey.


Gain insights on turning your peak experience into a catalyst for sustainable personal change and long-term transformation.

The Psychedelic Renaissance is here

If you're like many people, you might be interested in psychedelics for personal growth and mental wellness. 

But how might you prepare for the experience? 

How might you translate what's been illuminated to you into your daily life? 


Psychedelics can transcend the usual way we see ourselves and the world. 

However, these experiences never lead to any long-term change for some people. 

They have great stories to tell at parties, but underneath, their dissatisfaction with life or nagging lack of purpose is the same. 


This course will give you the knowledge, tools, and skills needed to have safer journeys and integrate your experiences in ways that allow you to choose how you want to change and grow.

Psychedelics as a Tool for Healing

Watch this video to learn more about The Mindful Journey course and your guide, Angela Ward.

"I was about to go on my first ever experience with Psilocybin with the intention of healing trauma, and I wasn't sure what to expect. 

Joining Angela's class " Mindful Journey" was just what I needed to help me navigate what I was about to experience.

Angela is VERY knowledgeable in the use of Plant Medicine; and she has a calm, kind nature that only adds value to the experience. I took to heart all the tips she shared in the class, and they were just what I needed before and during the experience, and even more so when I was re-integrating.

Close your eyes, and just TRUST, you are in the best hands with Angela."

— Cyntia
Cyntia Apps Photography

Course Features
Expert Instruction

Be guided by Angela Ward, BSN, RN-NC, CPTR, Registered Nurse, Transformational Coach, and psychedelic practitioner with extensive training and years of experience.

Supportive Community

Join an exclusive private forum to connect with others on their own journeys, just like you, and share experiences with people who can relate to the path you are on.


You get access to the course, forum, and a bonus Q & A session forever! Move through the material at your own pace and revisit important lessons whenever you need to.

How you use psychedelics is up to you.

Are you interested in using psychedelics as safely as possible? 

Would you like to get the most out of these experiences?

Do you want to begin this journey, right now, today?

If you answered yes to any of these, just enter your information below to get started!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xMindful Journey Course$111

All prices in USD

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